Desk operation via app

With the Linak App you can operate your desk or table via App. Here you will find information on how to operate your desk electrically with the Linak Desk Control App or how to retrofit your existing desk very easily for operation via Desk App.

Desk App from Linak

The manufacturer Linak has developed an app for operating its electric desk frames. With this app you can retrofit a desk that already has an electric Linak height adjustment. To do this, you simply need a new desk control unit. The Linak DPG1C Desk Panel can be operated very comfortably via Bluetooth and the Linak App Desk Control. Simply replace the old Linak Desk Panel control panel with the new Linak DPG1C Desk Panel.

Here you can find information about the operation of the Linak DPG1C Desk Panel

Retrofit desk control via app

With the Linak Desk Frame 2, the electric desk frame, you can retrofit a simple and rigid, non-height-adjustable desk to make it electrically operable via app. Simply replace the existing rigid desk frame with the Linak Desk Frame 2 desk frame. At LinearDirect, the Linak Desk Frame is already delivered directly with the Linak DPG1C hand control. So you can easily retrofit an existing desk so that it is adjustable in height via app.

Here you can find information about desk operation via app retrofit

Download Linak Desk Control App here (Free)

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Author: Anja Rissel
Als Assistentin von Sascha Rissel, bin ich nebenbei zuständig für Interne Abwicklungen und Versand von Lineardirect Aufträgen. Hier im Blog schreibe ich über Anwendungsbeispiele von Hubsäulen und Linearantrieben. Sollten Sie spezielle Fragen zu Hubsäulen und Linearantrieben haben, freut sich unser Technik Team, Sie vollumfänglich zum Thema Hubsäulen und Linearantriebe zu beraten.