Linak lifting column price
Here you will find selected Linak lifting columns and their prices. We sell to private and corporate customers. Linak lifting columns are the best you can buy on the market in the field of lifting columns. Linak lifting columns are very quiet in operation and manufactured to a very high quality. The lifting columns can be adjusted or programmed in terms of stroke length and speed.
The cost of a Linak lifting column
LinearDirect offers a wide range of Linak accessories for lifting columns, which are suggested via the product details. Among other things, there are various motor cables in 1 m or 2 m lengths. There are control units with which you can run up to 16 Linak drives synchronised at the same time in multi-parallel operation. In addition to a wired hand control, we also offer a Linak Bluetooth remote control and the Bluetooth receiver. Linak has a very good price-performance ratio for linear actuators and lifting columns. Exact prices for Lin ak lifting columns can be found further down on this page.