The comprehensive guide - organising your desk properly

Organising your own desk can often be perceived as a tedious task. However, it is essential to stay effective and productive at work or when studying.

A clean and well-organised desk can actually help you focus on your tasks and increase your efficiency.

  • Clarity: A clean desk can help you get a better overview of your workspace and let you know which tasks have priority. You will no longer waste valuable time searching for documents or materials.
  • Increase productivity : An organised work environment can reduce stress and increase productivity. You can concentrate better on the tasks at hand without being distracted by clutter.
  • Enjoyment of work: A clean and organised workplace makes working more pleasant and inspiring. You are more likely to look forward to your work if your workplace is inviting and attractive.
  • Ergonomics: With the right organisation, you can also improve ergonomics. An optimised workplace helps to improve posture and can prevent health complaints.

In this blog post, we give you valuable tips and show you how you can optimally organise your workplace and increase your productivity.

Organising your desk: How to boost your performance

An efficient and well-organised desk area is more than just a matter of aesthetic preference. Rather, it is a core component of productivity, stress reduction and overall well-being. Here are some aspects that underline why a tidy desk organisation is so important:

  • Increased productivity: A well-organised desk space gives you a clear overview of upcoming tasks and minimises distractions. The result? You can concentrate better on your work and complete your tasks more effectively.
  • Time management : If you are constantly searching for certain papers, tools or other items on your desk, it can take up a lot of time. With an organised desk space, you always know exactly where everything is.
  • Wellbeing: A clean and tidy workspace can contribute to your overall wellbeing. It can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and encourage you to perform at your best.
  • Professionalism: A tidy desk conveys professionalism. It shows that you take your work seriously and exudes reliability.

Definition: Time management

Time management is the systematic and conscious control of the time available to complete activities efficiently and effectively.

By maximising your desk organisation, you may find that your working days become more productive and less stressful.

Step by step to the perfect desk organisation

Everyone has their own idea of the perfect desk organisation. However, there are a few universal steps that can help you organise your workspace more effectively and ergonomically.

  • Clear out: Start by clearing out your desk. Remove everything you don't need on a regular basis. Think about which items really need to be on your desk and which can be stored in drawers or on shelves.
  • Organise: Systematically sort the remaining items. For example, you can put all stationery in a bin and organise all important documents in a folder.
  • Personal touch: A personal touch can brighten up your workspace. A family photo, a plant or a favourite item can help to make your workspace more appealing and motivating.
  • Regular maintenance: Schedule regular tidying sessions to ensure your desk is always kept clean and organised. Once a week should be enough.

Expert Tip:

Use vertical space to create more room on your desk. Wall shelves, hanging baskets or high filing stacks can help maximise desk space.

Organisation meets ergonomics: the benefits of height-adjustable desks

Your desk organisation should also take ergonomics into account, and this is where height-adjustable desks come into play. This type of desk offers a number of advantages over conventional desks:

  • Flexibility: With a height-adjustable desk, you can do your work sitting or standing. You can adjust the height to suit your needs, which can help reduce neck and back pain.
  • Increased productivity: Research has shown that the ability to change your working position can improve productivity and concentration.
  • Better health: A height-adjustable desk can help prevent long-term health problems associated with long periods of sitting, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

A height-adjustable desk can be an excellent addition to your workspace, especially if you spend long hours at your desk.

Organise your desk and enjoy comfort with the Linak Desk Frame 2

To ensure creativity, flexibility and ergonomics when organising your desk, you need a height-adjustable desk frame and a customised table top.

The Linak Desk Frame 2 is the solution. This height-adjustable desk frame takes your desk organisation to the next level. Here are some outstanding features:

  • Height adjustability: With an adjustment range of 65 to 125 cm, the Linak Desk Frame 2 allows you to work flexibly and ergonomically, whether sitting or standing.
  • Powerful and stable: With a load capacity of up to 160 kg and a lifting speed of 40 mm/s, this desk is robust enough for all your work requirements.
  • User-friendly: The frame comes with an intuitive control element with display, memory and Bluetooth function, which enables customised height adjustment.
  • Aesthetically pleasing : With neat cable routing and easy assembly, the Linak Desk Frame 2 offers not only functionality but also a modern and attractive design.
  • Customised table top: Choose exactly the table top that suits you! The frame allows a flexible combination of different tabletop sizes to suit your needs.

Whether you want to improve your working situation or simply optimise your desk organisation, the Linak Desk Frame 2 from LinearDirect is an excellent choice.


What's the best way to organise your desk?

Start by clearing out, then sort the remaining items and decorate as you wish. Carry out regular tidying sessions to keep things organised.

What should you pay attention to when organising your desk?

Pay attention to clarity and ergonomics. Everything should have a fixed place and important items should be within easy reach. A height-adjustable desk can provide additional comfort.

What should be on the desk?

Only the things you use regularly should be on your desk. This could be a computer, necessary office supplies and personal items for the feel-good factor, for example.

Author: LD Redaktion